As a qualified personal trainer, I highly recommend resistance training over cardiovascular exercise for those looking to lose weight and retain lean muscle mass. Here are a few reasons why:

Resistance training increases muscle mass: When you perform resistance exercises, you are actually causing small tears in your muscle fibers. As your muscles repair and rebuild themselves, they become stronger and denser, leading to an increase in muscle mass. This is important for weight loss because muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, meaning that it burns more calories even at rest.

Resistance training boosts metabolism: In addition to increasing muscle mass, resistance training also increases your resting metabolic rate. This means that your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate, even after your workout is over.

Resistance training is more effective for weight loss: Studies have shown that resistance training is more effective than cardiovascular exercise for weight loss, even when the same number of calories are burned. This is because resistance training not only burns calories during the workout, but also increases muscle mass and metabolism, leading to continued calorie burn throughout the day.

Resistance training improves overall body composition: By building muscle mass, resistance training not only helps you lose weight, but it also improves your overall body composition. This means that you will have a higher ratio of lean muscle mass to body fat, which not only looks better, but also improves overall health and function.

Resistance training is effective at retaining lean muscle mass: As we age, we lose muscle mass naturally, which can lead to a decrease in metabolism and an increase in body fat. Resistance training can help to slow and even reverse this muscle loss, allowing you to retain your lean muscle mass and maintain a healthy metabolism.

In conclusion, resistance training is a highly effective form of exercise for weight loss and retaining lean muscle mass. It increases muscle mass, boosts metabolism, improves overall body composition, and effective at retaining muscle mass. It’s a great idea to include resistance training as a part of your exercise routine in order to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.

Thanks for reading!